All in Round-the-World

Urban architecture in Phnom Penh


Phnom Penh has an urban landscape similar to many other SE Asian cities, with French influences, densely packed apartment buildings with shops on the ground floor, few sidewalks.  On the other hand, it has a lot of unique character, with many modern buildings from the 60s in particular...

Dining out in Vientiane


The eating scene in Vientiane is much better than in Luang Prabang. Tourists are fewer here, and while there are a lot of foreigners still, a lot of them are in the diplomatic or NGO community who have money to spend and are potential repeat customers...

Stylin' Lanten


The most stylish villagers I came across in my tour of northern Laos, even more than the hipster Tai Dam and the amusing Yao women with their pink yarn boas, were the Lanten.

Village hopping in northern Laos


Just finished up a 6-day tour through northern Laos visiting local villages of different ethnic groups.  This has really been the experience you read about in magazine travel articles or guidebooks, but never seem to get yourself...