Trip Report: SFO-ORD-MUC

Trip Report: SFO-ORD-MUC

The new United's fast with painting the planes in the new colors (which are slowly becoming ever so slightly more acceptable to me). Both of the planes I flew were painted in the Continental-United hybrid.

SFO-ORD was uneventful, since I just watched the personal TV for most of the flight and slept. Despite tornado watch in effect, we landed on time.

ORD-MUC was also uneventful, and we landed 15 minutes early despite warnings of Icelandic volcanic ash (part 2). Dinner was chicken breast chunks in red pepper sauce. Decent.

Breakfast was a banana nut loaf (surprisingly fluffy texture, all natural with a minimal ingredient list), and the usual poor yogurt you find on United - stuffed with corn syrup and different thickeners.

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